Being sick and productive.

So I woke up like 1381047289 times last night to cough, blow my nose, then check the time.  Im feeling fantastic.. but not really.  I kinda feel like Cameron from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (the greatest movie of all time)

I got out of bed just to do this:


And then I’m all like:


But then a miracle happened. I BECAME PRODUCTIVE!

I could here the faint sound of my mom saying:

So I did all the dishes.. like a boss. Cleaned my room… like a boss. Then got down to the books and started printing off my notes, highlighting, and dusting off my textbooks.




Im feeling great now… I still have an entire colony of death living in my brain, nasal and throat passages but IM WORKING IT!!!

How was your day darling?

Love your productive sicko,

Avril League Fairv

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2 Responses to Being sick and productive.

  1. Judi says:

    That’s the most jikarious blog I’ve ever read !!! You just made me laugh out loud til the tears came down my face !!! Such a funny girl … Feel better soon and take your Gummy vitamins !!!! Xox mamma

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