Why my house is perpetually unclean..

I had an epiphany today… like any other strokes of genius I decided today that I MUST CLEAN MY ROOM.  And this means; spend time on the internet.. put scattered makeup into a bag.. check Facebook… look at my pile of dishes on my desk… Twitter!… witness my scattered shoes.. look up One Direction’s new album online.. and REPEAT the system all over again

So reasons why my house in kerfuffles:

1.) I’m a uni student…

I’m not sure why we (students as a collective are allowed their apparent student-ness as an excuse for our inability to pick up our dirty clothes… but I’m going with it.

2.) I’m an athlete?

So this is why my skates are everywhere… I found one the other day, just laying in the hallway… Random.

3.) I light candles 24/7

I realized I’m one of “those girls”.  The ones who smell candles and get WAY too excited about this object that makes a room smell like lavender bullshit… So the constant smell throughout my room masks the fact that I have a box of cereal laying on my couch..

4.) There is a mafia of spiders living in my bathroom.  I was just in there minding my own business and I look down… there are 3 ginormous spiders in every corner.  A giant family has moved into my living space and are now controlling the alcohol and its distribution (mafia jokes anyone? anyone?).  I swear if I kill just one tiny one they will all come after me and enact their rage and violent tendencies and kill my whole family.   Let’s just be clear I’m totally cool with spiders. Spiders and I are on speaking terms. We occasionally go for coffee. I just don’t want to be involved in a flaming turf war with them.. they always win.

So those are four reasons why I can’t clean my house and one reason for why I’m a huge pansy…

Avril League Fairv

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