Your Daily Recommended Dose of Crazy

Wadup… so this is a page in which I shall answer your most burning desires in to form of advice and recommendations in which will benefit you into becoming an overall better human being.  So for example I frequently get asked… “do you like… cheese?” or “what’s you favourite place to jam or eat or drink excessively (iced tea)”? etc. etc.

So make sure to check out this page for frequent updates on my favsies places, peoples, things, and such and so.

Sincerely yours forever… no legitcies you can have me,

Avril League Fairv

Fashion… where I get ma shiat

Forever 21:


Kate spade:

Oh my god shoes.. let’s get em

Sperry Top Sider:

Doc Martens:




Sen Sushi:

Fellini Koolini’s:

Aroma Mediterranean :

Babaz Shwarma:

Aladdin Shwarma:

Prince Albert’s:

Campus Hi-fi:

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